Pressemeddelelse: Vinderne af Soloprisen, Talentprisen og Deep Forest Art Land-prisen 2022
Deep Forest Art Land-prismodtager
– Søren Taaning, på vegne af Deep Forest Art Land og dette års jury
“To know that my work—created in the depths of Melbourne, Australia’s long lockdown—resonates at a global level, 16,000km away, is a sublime feeling. A Deep Forest feeling! I am honoured to have received the prize and look forward to visiting West Jutland.”
– Eugenia Lim
Se Prokofievs videoværker FAN OF THE LAND (2021) og FIREWORKS ON THE SWAMP (2020)
“Der er en helt enorm kraft i Sergei Prokofiev værker, som på én gang indeholder en rungende tomhed og en overdøvende larm. Roen i den dybe skov og stilheden ved søens bred i den vilde russiske natur står i kontrast til den uro, der lurer lige dér under overfladen. På vegne af Politikens Forhal, er det mig en kæmpe stor glæde at vi hermed – og i denne tid – peger på netop Sergei Prokofiev, og vi ser frem til at samarbejde med ham og Charlottenborg Fonden om en soloudstilling i Politikens Forhal til januar 2023.”
– Signe Jochumsen, på vegne af Politikens Forhal og dette års jury
“To be honest, at the end of October 2021 I opened my first solo exhibition abroad, in Uppsala, Sweden, in November 2021 I received an award in Russia, and now I am going to Denmark for such a wonderful occasion. The fact that I will receive the Solo Award is very important for me, just because I will be able to show some Russian contemporary art outside the Russian context and collect opinions about it in Denmark. Everything that has been happening to me lately I call nothing but a Series of Miracles.”
– Sergei Prokofiev
– Hesselholdt & Mejlvang, på vegne af dette års jury
“It feels fantastic to receive this award and to be able to exhibit my work at Charlottenborg Kunsthal. It is an honor and means a lot to me that my work, my artistry and my collaborators get this recognition. I hope this will generate even more visibility for my work in the future.”
– Eva Rocco Kenell