


Siden 1857 har Charlottenborg Fonden hvert år inviteret kunstnere til at søge om optagelse på Charlottenborg Forårsudstilling.

Open Call til Forårsudstillingen 2024 var åbent for ansøgninger 1-22 december 2023. 

Open Call til Forårsudstillingen 2025 annonceres her, på instagram og via vores nyhedsbrev, i midt november 2024.


Subscribe to the Charlottenborg Foundation's newsletter and receive information about when the open call opens, as well as information about exhibitions, talks and other events

    Guidance and conditions for applications

    You can apply online via our application platform. Further information and guidance can be found on this page and on the application platform.

    Who can apply for admission to the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition?2023-11-22T14:45:22+00:00

    Alle uanset baggrund, uddannelse og nationalitet kan ansøge med op til fem bidrag (værk eller værkserie) inden for, men ikke begrænset til, kategorierne kunst, arkitektur og kunsthåndværk/design og performance. Ansøgere skal være fyldt 18 år. Enkeltpersoner såvel som grupper er velkomne til at ansøge.

    How much does it cost?2023-12-04T13:57:33+00:00

    Ansøgningsgebyret er 500DKK og betales online som første trin i ansøgningsprocessen. Ansøgningen kan ikke gennemføres og godkendes med mindre betalingen er gennemført. Der kan betales med følgende kort: Dankort, MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron. Du modtager en kvittering på dit køb på mail. Når din betaling er godkendt kan du uploade dine bidrag og efterredigere indtil deadline.

    How many works can I apply for?2022-11-07T10:38:15+00:00

    You can apply with five entries (work or series of works) and for each entry you can upload up to four documentary images. You can apply in, but not limited to, the categories of art, architecture and craft/design.

    There is a time limit of 5 minutes on video, film, animation and other time-based works. The time limit only applies to the application viewing and not to the final screening of any accepted works. The Charlottenborg Foundation encourages applicants to add notes or additional descriptions of the uploaded works.

    The works must be no more than 2 years old from the date of application and must not have been exhibited before at other censored exhibitions in Denmark.

    What should I submit when I apply?2023-11-22T14:52:07+00:00

    All rounds of the censorship process are digital. This means that physical works will NOT be accepted for the jury's assessment.

    Du skal uploade dine bidrag digitalt.

    The quality of the images of your entries must be such that the jury cannot be in any doubt about the appearance and character of the work. We accept the following digital formats and data types: .jpg, .gif, .png, .pdf, .swf, .mp4, .mp3, YouTube video or other online works (must be viewable on regular browser (e.g. Mozilla/Internet Explorer), URL to be inserted in the application.

    Please note: Do not let your data sizes be higher than necessary. We do not post-process/compress your files so also keep in mind that data-wise it should be reasonable for the jury to download and experience.

    When and how will I be informed if I have been included or not? 2023-12-11T14:16:59+00:00

    Juryens endelige afgørelse sendes ud på email og alle ansøgere får svar omkring d. 13. januar 2024. Når et værk er antaget til udstillingen, kan ansøgeren ikke kræve, at værket ikke bliver udstillet. Ansøgeren kan heller ikke kræve et værk tilbage før, udstillingen er slut. Forårsudstillingen 2024 er åben i perioden 1. Februar – 3. marts.

    When are accepted contributions due?2023-11-22T14:50:48+00:00

    Dit/dine bidrag, såfremt bliver antaget af juryen, skal indleveres fysisk til Charlottenborg Fonden på Kunsthal Charlottenborg ca. en uge før udstillingens åbning. Præcis dato og tidspunkt opdateres når Open Call lukker. Du vil ca. 13. januar modtage besked om hvorvidt dit/dine bidrag er blevet antaget. Du skal KUN indlevere dit/dine værker, såfremt du er blevet antaget til at udstille på Charlottenborg Forårsudstillingen.

    Værker, der ikke kan indleveres personligt, kan sendes til kunsthallen efter nærmere aftale med Charlottenborg Fonden. Charlottenborg Fonden dækker ikke omkostninger forbundet med transport, transportforsikring etc.
    For video og filmværker, der bliver udtaget til fysisk censur, gælder det, at de skal indsendes/indleveres i fuld længde og evt. i en højere opløsning via overførsel eller på et USB-stik til Charlottenborg Fonden efter aftale.

    If I am accepted, do I get an exhibition fee?2023-11-22T14:53:50+00:00

    I tilfælde af at dit/ dine/jeres værk(er) er blevet antaget til Charlottenborg Forårsudstillingen 2024 betaler Charlottenborg Fonden 2.500 kr. til hver kunstner(gruppe) for at udstille.


    If I am admitted, do I have to be in charge of hanging, building and installing myself?2022-11-07T10:43:09+00:00

    No, not if the works are small and can be easily placed or hung, but applicants who are admitted with larger installations are always responsible for their own constructions. It is up to the Charlottenborg Foundation to assess whether the applicant should be responsible for the installation.

    If I'm admitted, do I have to be in charge of technical equipment myself?2022-09-26T10:35:29+01:00

    In some cases, the Charlottenborg Foundation can provide a limited number of screens and speakers. For accepted works that require special equipment, such as film, video, sound, computer art, etc., the artist is responsible for the necessary equipment (rental, covering costs, etc.) and its set-up. The Charlottenborg Foundation may be responsible for the daily operation of the work during the exhibition period, provided that a simple operating manual is available. The Charlottenborg Foundation reserves the right to remove a work from the exhibition if it is not functioning properly. The artist (or a deputy) must be responsible for the daily operation of the work during the exhibition period if the work requires more extensive operation.

    If I am admitted, will I be responsible for insurance, packaging, transport of my works to and from Kunsthal Charlottenborg?2023-12-04T10:26:26+00:00

    Ja, du skal selv stå for pakning og transport af dit/dine bidrag til Kunsthal Charlottenborg samt eventuel transportforsikring, ligesom for nedpakning og returtransporten efter udstillingen er slut. Charlottenborg Fonden dækker ikke omkostninger forbundet hermed. Dine bidrag vil være forsikret (udelukkende ved indbrud og brand) i perioden, hvor de befinder sig på Kunsthal Charlottenborg. Charlottenborg Fonden beder muligvis om forsikringssum på dine værker. Forsikringssummen omfatter de omkostninger, der er i forbindelse med produktion/genskabning af værket/værkerne.

    If someone buys the work/works I exhibit, how is the payment done?2023-12-11T11:09:17+00:00

    Kunstneren står selv for al evt. salg af værker. Charlottenborg Fonden varetager kke længere salg, gennem Forårsudstillingen, og tager ingen provision.

    What happens to my application material after the jury verdict?2020-11-05T12:07:11+00:00

    The uploaded files not accepted in the exhibition are deleted from the Charlottenborg Foundation's server after the jury's work is completed. The contributions assumed by the jury will remain on the Charlottenborg Foundation's server for use in the exhibition catalogue as well as for marketing and dissemination purposes in accordance with our privacy policy.

    What permissions do I need to grant?2020-11-05T12:07:57+00:00

    When you apply with pictures of your contribution(s), you give permission for the Charlottenborg Foundation and Kunsthal Charlottenborg to publish your contribution in the exhibition catalogue, and that imagery of your contribution(s) may be used by the press for publishing in connection with the media coverage of the Spring Exhibition, as well as for dissemination and advertising at the Spring Exhibition/Charlottenborg Foundation/Kunsthal Charlottenborg website, social media (Facebook and Instagram) etc. The applicant cannot claim royalties or other remuneration from the various media, the Charlottenborg Foundation or Kunsthal Charlottenborg in this regard. At the end of the exhibition period, entified artists may revoke their permit for use of the material in accordance with our privacy policy.

    If I want more information, who do I contact?2023-11-22T14:55:05+00:00

    Klara Li Scheutz
    Daglig leder
    Charlottenborg Fonden
    Tlf. +45 4028 2941 (mandag-fredag kl. 10-14)

    Spring Exhibition