Marta Badenska Hammarberg (SE) Jeg har en ven /I Have a friend (2021)
The artwork I Have a Friend is a collection of picture clippings from Swedish yearbooks (from 1993 to 2011). Central to each image are the students’ body gestures that signal their position in the class’ social hierarchy, both explicitly and implicitly: a hand placed on someone else’s shoulder, fingers touching someone’s knee or an arm around another arm. I Have a Friend touches upon both teenagedom and the mentality that is so central in those teenage years — the human desire to belong. (kunstnerens egen beskrivelse)
Slide show. 04:46 min loop
Om kunstneren: Marta Badenska Hammarberg (born 1993) lives and works in Stockholm. She graduated from the Royal Institute of Art in Sweden 2020 and has previously studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in the Netherlands. In her art, she explores and challenges human and interpersonal phenomena, using her own life and context as a starting point. Her work is expressed mainly through photography, video, artists’ books, found objects and installations. (kunstnerens egen beskrivelse)
Marta Badenska Hammarberg er antaget på Charlottenborg Forårsudstilling 2022 med ét værk.
Fotos: Marta Badenska Hammarberg